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Critical Images

This page is for visual work that I made in grad school classes. Most of them come from a Publishing class taught by Jarrett Fuller and others are from a typography discourse class taught by Denise Gonzales-Crisp.



The designer likewise becomes the physical manifestation of the content
When design thinking is used against us
A zine/essay I wrote and produced about David Kelley and design thinking
technologies not as reflections of our world but shapers of it
Technologies not as reflections of our world but shapers of it
Image showing fish swimming and text over the top reading design contrarianism and combinationism
Image from an interactive essay about post-post-modern design
The new new typography
Essay about Jan Tschichold and Max Bill
Image with text that says programming is forgetting
Image from a blog post titled Programming is forgetting
So many new mediums since the sixties
A powerpoint about the impermanence of design mediums
Letter a with an apple texture
On the nose renders I made for the alphabet while I was learning blender and developing a concept for tactile education as part of a workshop
Experimental interface that looks like twitch but wild
An experimental interface for online diy concerts