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Possible Internet

Extended reality allows the reader to work all around the room, organizing the texts in logical spaces and creating a more active research/reading experience. The reader transitions from sitting on the couch, to standing, to sitting at their computer. Extended reality makes it so that the reader can fluidly move between these distinct working stations while keeping everything logically connected by wires.


web of references
expanded reference
expanded reference
secondary antlers
secondary section
secondary section

We began with the concept of a text ribbon. We imagined what it would be like if text could be read in a 3D space using Rapid Serial Visual Presentation speed reading technology.

Image of miro board with sketches

Basic sketches were made, including some gifs made in Processing. We started to imagine how a research paper might look inside of this framework.

Image of miro board with sketches

I used p5.js to imagine some of the 3D spaces in a really quick way before moving onto a more fleshed out video.

Made in Blender

Collaborative research and critiques were done in a big miro board.
Image of miro board with sketches

Finally, we created a 3D model of our studio space in Blender. The prototype depicts a possible solution for managing complex academic literature review sessions with affordances offered by extended reality.

In the video (at the top of the page), a person (represented by a purple hand) is reading through Ashley Anderson’s Master’s Thesis "Working with Imagery: Mediating Image Rescripting for Anxiety with Multimodal Digital Storytelling." The reader is presented with the first set of antlers which show all of the sections contained in Ashley’s paper. The reader can shift which section appears at the bottom of the antlers (not shown in the video).

© 2025 Brian Sekelsky